News & Notes
from Sturgeon Slayers
Sturgeon Slayers Fraser River Sturgeon viral reel
In the world of social media, where fleeting trends and viral sensations come and go, a recent meta reel by our company, Sturgeon Slayers, has struck a chord with millions.
BC Floods & Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association (FVAGA)
As a director with the FVAGA for the last 12 years, I’ve never been so proud. A core group of members have mobilized quickly to safely do so many crucial tasks that the government was not prepared for.
Largest White Sturgeon Ever Recorded On The Fraser River
Owner/operator of Sturgeon Slayers Kevin Estrada and guests landed and tagged the largest Sturgeon ever recorded on Rod and reel on the Fraser River in British Columbia.
Best Sturgeon Angling Gear
As technology and gear advances and changes, we are constantly testing our tried and true against the last innovation.
Fishing For Your Mental Health
Fishing and getting outside in the natural world is good for your mental health.
Wild Fish Conservation In British Columbia
Keeping the conversation alive is how we can strive to make sustainable change.
Blue Fish Radio Interviews Kevin Estrada Of Sturgeon Slayers
Lawrence Gunther sits down with Kevin Estrada of Sturgeon Slayers in a recent podcast to discuss a variety of topics.
Sturgeon Slayers New Protocols 2020
Sturgeon Slayers New Protocol information. We are opening up our operations starting today June 1st.
Barstool Outdoors Ep. 2: Catching Sturgeon in British Columbia
Kevin Estrada and Mariko Izumi give YP and the Barstool team a magical finishing experience they will never forget.
British Columbia’s Sturgeon Decline: CBC News
CBC News: The National takes time to learn about British Columbia’s Sturgeon Decline from Kevin Estrada of Sturgeon Slayers.
Sturgeons Need Our Help - Video Series with the Googan Squad
The Googan Squad, came out to British Columbia to visit the Sturgeon Slayers and to raise awareness for Sturgeons.
Andrew Ladd Sturgeon Fishing For Charity & Conservation
NHLer Andrew Ladd and the Ladd Foundation raise money for Sturgeon & Conservation.
Albino Sturgeon on the Fraser River
A Rare Albino Sturgeon on the Fraser River with Sturgeon Slayers Guiding Company.
Fraser River Sport Fishing Alliance
Information on the Fraser River Sport Fishing Alliance.
Board of Directors, Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society
Kevin Estrada has been brought on as a Director for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society.